The 10 Lessons of Digital Marketing

Introduction to 10 Lessons in Digital Marketing Blogger Link Rakuten Link 10 Lessons in Digital Marketing is an introduction to digital marketing. I would categorize it as a tools introduction, with a complete basic introduction to general digital marketing tools and related concepts in ten chapters. The tools covered include: [...]

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After Reading "Marketing 4.0" (Part 3: Marketing Tactics in the Digital Age)

Link to Blog Finally, I have time to organize the last post in this series, this post will summarize the digital marketing tactics introduced in Marketing 4.0. Nowadays, it is no longer enough for brands to just provide functional products to capture the hearts of customers, but they also need to build up a favorite brand image in the minds of customers, so that customers feel that they are in touch with this [...].

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Marketing 4.0 (Part 2: Industry Types and Marketing Applications Based on the 5A Framework)

Blog to Link As mentioned in the previous post, based on the Customer Experience Pathway, we can graph the conversion rates for each stage of the 5A Framework (Awareness, Appeal, Inquiry, Action, Advocacy), and there are four main pathway forms that are commonly seen. This comprehensive information is what helps us to quickly understand an industry and determine the appropriate marketing approach [...].

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Marketing 4.0 (Part 1: Theoretical Framework)

Blog to link Marketing 4.0 This book was published in 2017, very complete with a more theoretical perspective to popularize the concept of marketing nearly five to ten years ago. I'm not a marketing or business professional, read the roughly just skinny, here only on the book content for a simple organization. This article first organizes this [...]...

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