I Might Be Wrong | Inspiration from the Life Story of a Reverted Swedish Forest Monk

I Might Be Wrong Introduction I Might Be Wrong is a novel by Björn Nattiko-Nattiko-Nattiko-Nattiko-Nattiko-Nattiko-Nattiko. I Could Be Wrong is the last book in the life of Bjorn Natiko I Could Be Wrong is the last book in the life of Björn Nattiko-Lindblom, describing his 17 years of spiritual practice in a forest monastery in Thailand, his return to secularism 17 years later, and his gradual death by diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. The publisher of the traditional Chinese edition in Taiwan has set [....]

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Century China: An Iconographic History of Modern China in the Century After Reading

Century China: A Pictorial History of Modern China in 100 Years | Introduction Century China is a book co-authored by Shi Jingqian and Jin Anping, a husband and wife team. The book covers a hundred years of Chinese history from the end of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century (1894-1994), from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the transfer of power between the Communist Party and the Chinese government, the cultural [...]...

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The Age of Stagnation: Why the Global Economy is in Trouble | Is real economic growth doomed to stagnation? What can we do about it?

Introduction to The Age of Stagnation The author of The Age of Stagnation, Satyajit Das, is an Indian-Australian who has worked in the financial sector. This book is about the world economy entering a period of stagnation and analyzes the factors of economic growth and modern economic outlook from the author's personal point of view. The book is in fact in the [....]

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The Monk's Mentality | Teaches you how to find your self-worth and purpose in life through your mentality.

The Monk's Mentality Introduction The Monk's Mentality, originally titled Think like a Monk, was written by Jay Shetty, a well-known Internet writer and speaker. The author Jay Shetty is a well-known Internet writer and speaker. An outstanding young Indian who grew up in the UK, studied at a business school and interned at a famous company, but chose to put down his [...]...

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Humankind: A Hopeful History (《人慈》:跨200,000年的人性旅程,以更好的视角看待自己 (Humankind: A Hopeful History) After Reading

Humankind (人慈) Introduction Humankind (人慈) is a Chinese book titled "Human Kindness". The author, Roger Bregman, is a Dutch writer and historian who supports basic income and open borders. Roger Bregman is a Dutch writer and historian who supports basic income and open borders, and this is his fourth book. This is a book that attempts to argue that human nature is inherently good. Most people are accustomed to accepting that human beings are always mortal [...]...

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