
Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most | How can I make my life easier?

Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most | What is this book about?

Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most is authored by productivity expert Greg McKeown, whose previous bookFewer, But Better.It's been quite popular. Effortless is one of his newer books, which talks about how to be more relaxed when things keep coming even after maximizing productivity. I like his use of the word Effortless, which means to feel relaxed and effortless, to achieve a natural state.

The book is divided into three parts: how to achieve a relaxed state, how to act relaxed, and how to get relaxed results.

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The state of Effortless

What is Effortless Status?

What exactly is the state of Effortlessness? It's actually how many of us feel when we're physically rested, emotionally relaxed, and mentally energized - fully awake, alert, present, focused on what's important in this moment, and feeling relaxed enough to focus on what matters most.

How to achieve Effortless status

  • think backward

When you find something difficult, think, "How can I make it easier?" Sometimes we get stuck on what we think is the right way to do something and find it difficult, but outside of that framework, maybe there is an indirect way to make it easier? For example, if you don't have enough time and your boss keeps handing you new tasks, instead of being bored, would it not be easier to take the time to communicate with your boss or ask for help from other colleagues?

  • enjoyment

When you enjoy something, even if it takes a lot of effort, it doesn't feel like a lot of effort. combining your important activities with activities that you enjoy and that are more enjoyable when you do them makes work more like entertainment. One of the examples the author gives is the family doing chores together with the family's favorite cartoon music playing regularly, turning it into a sing-along activity for all of us.

  • put down

Don't take on emotional burdens you don't need to take on, and don't put your energy into resenting others. If you want to complain, ask yourself what you will get out of it. Thinking about the things you are grateful for will make you happier.

  • breaks

Learn the art of doing nothing, don't do more today than you can recover from tomorrow. Work in segments of no more than 90 minutes at a time, interspersing each segment with breaks.

  • Awareness and Focus

Consciously train your awareness through meditation, etc. You can accidentally adjust your mood and become more focused with just a few breaths. Consciously train your brain to focus on what is important and ignore what is irrelevant.

When dealing with others, you also need to focus on keeping an open mind, letting go of your own opinions, suggestions, and judgments, and trying to understand the truth as others see it from their perspective.

To focus yourself, clear the space around you before clearing your mind.

Effortless Action

What is Effortless Action

Effortless action means achieving more with less effort, accomplishing tasks without thinking too much, and making progress in a smooth (and unforced) manner.

How Effortless Acts

  • Identify Objectives

Every important project starts with a definition of completion, with clear conditions and goals. Stop when you've reached your goal and focus on the desired outcome. Write down a list of tasks for the day, and only do things that are clearly defined on the list and for which you know the exact outcome.

  • Making it easier to move

Make the first action the most obvious by thinking and planning consciously. Break the action down into the smallest, most specific step and name it. Maximize learning with minimal effort.

Begin with a ten-minute meditation activity to stimulate motivation and energy.

  • Streamlining the process

Simplify the process, not the steps, by removing unimportant steps. Face the fact that not everything requires extra effort on your part. Measure progress in the tiniest increments.

  • Emphasize Progress, Leave Perfectionism Behind

When you start a project, start by generating garbage results. When you don't know what to do next, just write down some words on a piece of paper, any words. What we want is to learn from failing cheaply.

  • Setting a relaxing tempo

Understand that "slow is smooth and smooth is fast" and abandon the idea of "pushing forward". Our goals should be defined with a scope: "I will not do less than X and I will not do more than Y."

Effortless results

What are Effortless results?

What are Effortless Results? Once we have achieved an Effortless state of mind and taken Effortless actions, we should be able to easily achieve the desired results. We then hope that the results will continue to flow to you with as little extra effort as possible.

How to Make Results Effortless Flow to Yourself

  • Learn principles, not facts and methods

Deeply understand the fundamentals of things and then apply them over and over again. Stand on the shoulders of giants and borrow the best of what they know. Developing your own unique knowledge through learning will open the door to ongoing opportunities.

  • impartation

Teaching is the lever, and by utilizing the power of teaching, one person can have ten times the impact. Tell stories that are easy to understand and communicate.

  • Automation

Freeing up space in the brain through the use of automation. Specific practices include:

  1. Maintain and use checklists to make sure you get it right every time and don't rely on memory.
  2. Look for single options that eliminate future decision-making and don't put yourself in a position where you need to make decisions over and over again.
  3. Automate important things so that they can be done automatically without any effort. (e.g. setting a fixed time for annual health checks, or automated security checks, etc.)
  4. Un-automate unimportant things so they don't go into your head and you can find them when you need them. (e.g. unsubscribe from emails you're not reading but just deleting every day, services you're not using).
  • Choose a trusted partner and develop trust with your partner.

Trust is the engine oil for a frictionless and efficient team. Choose the right people for the job. Hiring right just once produces results time and time again. Follow the Three I's: Hire only people with integrity, intelligence and initiative. Develop high-trust agreements with those you hire that clarify results, roles, rules, resources and rewards.

  • Preventing Problems

It's not just about managing problems, it's about solving them before they happen. Always look for simple actions that can prevent tomorrow's complex problems today. Put a little effort into solving recurring problems once and for all. It's better to catch mistakes before they happen than to let them happen.

Extended Reading

Fewer, But Better.

TheWhy do we live and work like this?The

Atomic Habits

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